


Bardie Brüm

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2024

The Warriors Cry

Each Bardie Brüm disc represents a part of my life.
With All of them together you can reconstruct my complete biography.
The stage of my life that each disc represents is...

The one from 'Way Of Life' is the Glammer, and the Skinhead is also the Heavy.

In 'Drinking Rock'N'Roll', when I hated everyone, I locked myself in my room and drank beers, and even when I was in a coma due to alcohol poisoning from toxic relationships with women.

In 'Psychosis Violent', my devotion to Norse mythology to the point of being labeled psychotic, and the emotional pain I suffered to the point of injury.

'White Poker' is a retrospective of when I felt that innocent love for women.

And this one, called 'The Warriors Cry', represents the love for the gothic and the dark.


The photo on the cover was taken in a conservatory in Celanova.


As Back Cover and Cookie serves the new logo created by Bardie Brüm on February 17-18, 2024.

Release Date: 2024-03-07








1 comentario:

  1. Nada mejor para conocer al insigne Bardie Brüm y sus vicisitudes que escuchar atentamente sus temas y desentrañar el significado y las alusiones de sus letras a estas etapas de su vida. Un artista incomprendido y fustigado por el destino que ha sabido canalozar sus penurias y convertirlas en éxito. Recomiendo a todos escuchar su discografía.
